Oasis Announces Highly Anticipated Reunion Tour Across North America
2024 年 10 月 1 日EntertainmentMusic 發佈

In a monumental announcement that has set the music world abuzz, iconic British rock band Oasis has confirmed their return with a much-anticipated reunion tour scheduled for 2025. This tour marks a significant moment in music history, as fans around the globe eagerly await the chance to experience the legendary sound of Oasis live once more. The tour will kick off in Europe before making its way to North America, where the band is set to perform at some of the most renowned venues in the continent. Among the highlights is a highly anticipated show at the iconic Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena, California. This venue has a storied history of hosting legendary performances, and Oasis’s appearance is expected to add to its illustrious legacy. The tour’s expansion to include major cities across the U.S. and Canada has sparked excitement among fans, with rumors swirling about additional stops and dates yet to be announced. The Gallagher brothers, Liam and Noel, have had a storied and sometimes tumultuous relationship, but their reunion symbolizes a powerful moment of reconciliation and shared love for music. Fans are already speculating about the setlist, which is likely to feature classic hits that have defined a generation. In a bid to streamline the ticketing process and avoid the pitfalls of previous sales, the band has decided to implement changes in their ticketing strategy. This decision comes after a controversial episode in the UK, where fans faced significant challenges in accessing tickets. The goal is to ensure that loyal fans have a fair chance at securing their seats for what promises to be an unforgettable experience. As anticipation builds, Oasis’s reunion tour is not just a concert tour; it represents a cultural phenomenon that transcends generations. The band’s influence on the Britpop movement and the music industry as a whole is undeniable. Fans of all ages are expected to flock to see the band, reflecting the enduring legacy of their music. As details continue to emerge, one thing is clear: Oasis is ready to reclaim their throne in the world of rock music. The reunion tour is set to reignite the passion of long-time fans while introducing a new generation to the magic of Oasis. With the countdown to 2025 underway, the stage is set for one of the most significant musical events in recent history. Stay tuned for more updates as Oasis gears up for their triumphant return to the stage, promising a concert experience that fans will remember for a lifetime.

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2024 年 9 月 2 日娛樂音樂 發佈

英國著名搖滾樂隊Oasis近期宣布將於2025年重組,並展開名為OASIS LIVE ’25的巡迴演出,這一消息迅速引起全球音樂愛好者的熱烈討論。Oasis自成立以來,便以其獨特的音樂風格和強烈的兄弟情誼吸引了無數粉絲,成為搖滾音樂史上的經典之作。

隨著重組消息的發布,Oasis在社交媒體上引發了廣泛的關注與討論。樂隊主唱Liam Gallagher和吉他手Noel Gallagher兩兄弟的回歸,讓粉絲們重燃對這支樂隊的熱情與期待。Oasis以其質樸的音樂和真摯的歌詞,講述了工人階級的生活和情感,讓人感同身受。


除了這些爭議,Oasis的重組還伴隨著他們經典專輯《Definitely Maybe》的30周年紀念版發行,該版本將收錄一些未公開的錄音,讓粉絲們對於樂隊的音樂歷程有更深入的了解。這無疑為即將到來的巡演增添了更多的期待。


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2024 年 9 月 1 日娛樂音樂 發佈

隨著Oasis樂隊宣布重組並計劃於2025年舉行OASIS LIVE ’25巡迴演出,這個來自英國曼徹斯特的搖滾樂隊再次成為音樂界的焦點。Oasis自成立以來便以其獨特的音樂風格和強烈的個人魅力吸引了全球樂迷的目光,並在90年代迅速崛起,成為英國音樂史上最具影響力的樂隊之一。

這次的重組是由主音Liam Gallagher和結他手Noel Gallagher兩兄弟領銜,這對在音樂上合作無間、在生活中卻常常發生衝突的兄弟檔,將再次攜手帶來經典的音樂盛宴。Oasis在社交媒體上的隆重宣布,也引發了樂迷的熱烈期待,許多人紛紛表達對即將到來的演出充滿期待。

除了巡演的消息,Oasis還將發行《Definitely Maybe》的30周年紀念版,該專輯將收錄當年在Monnow Valley Studio和Sawmills Studio錄製的版本,還包括一首由Liam Gallagher演唱的未發表曲目,這無疑為樂迷增添了更多的期待。


Oasis的音樂風格受到了廣泛的讚譽,經典的歌曲如《Wonderwall》、《Don’t Look Back in Anger》和《Champagne Supernova》等,至今仍在全球各地的音樂排行榜上佔有一席之地。這些歌曲不僅代表了那個時代的音樂,更成為了無數樂迷心中的永恆回憶。


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2024 年 8 月 28 日娛樂音樂 發佈

英倫搖滾樂團Oasis在經歷了長達15年的沉寂後,今日正式宣布重組回歸,並計畫於明年開始全球巡演。這一消息無疑讓無數樂迷激動不已,期待再次聽到那些耳熟能詳的經典歌曲。Oasis成立於1991年,憑藉其獨特的音樂風格和深刻的歌詞,迅速在全球樂壇中嶄露頭角。樂團的靈魂人物,兄弟倆的連恩和諾爾·蓋勒格,早已成為搖滾音樂界的標誌性人物。儘管因為兄弟間的摩擦和不和,Oasis在2009年宣告解散,但其影響力依然持續至今。許多樂迷至今仍懷念他們的音樂,並期待能夠再次在現場感受到那份震撼。據悉,Oasis將於2025年7月起,在卡地夫的Principality體育場展開巡演,並逐步在全球多個城市演出。這次的回歸不僅讓粉絲們重燃希望,也讓樂團成員再次聚首,展現他們的音樂才華。Oasis的經典作品如《Wonderwall》、《Don’t Look Back in Anger》等,將在演唱會中重現,帶領樂迷回到那段輝煌的音樂年代。隨著演唱會的消息公布,社交媒體上已經掀起了熱烈討論,樂迷們紛紛表達對重聚的期待。Oasis的回歸無疑是音樂界的一大盛事,屆時將吸引各地的粉絲前來共襄盛舉,繼續傳承這份搖滾精神。

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2024 年 8 月 27 日娛樂音樂 發佈

英國搖滾樂隊Oasis,自1990年代以來便以其獨特的音樂風格和強烈的個性在樂壇上占有一席之地。然而,隨著主音Liam Gallagher與結他手Noel Gallagher之間的兄弟不和,Oasis於2009年宣告解散,樂迷們對於這個經典樂隊的期望似乎也隨之消散。儘管如此,這個樂隊的影響力並未隨著時間的推移而減弱,反而在近年來不斷被提起,成為了樂迷心中的一個懷舊符號。 近日,Oasis再次引起關注,因為有關他們可能復合的消息在社交媒體上迅速傳開。Liam與Noel Gallagher兩兄弟在各自的社交帳戶上發表了暗示復合的貼文,這讓樂迷們的期待達到了巔峰。隨著他們慶祝成團30周年,傳聞中將於明年夏天在倫敦的溫布萊足球場及海德公園舉行的系列演出,更是讓人對於Oasis的回歸充滿期待。 根據報導,Oasis計畫在2025年於英國舉辦一系列的大型演唱會,預計將在曼徹斯特的Heaton Park和倫敦的Wembley Stadium共演出多達十場。這不僅是Oasis樂迷的夢想成真,也是對於這個經典樂隊的一次全新詮釋。儘管過去的矛盾仍然存在,但音樂的力量似乎能夠超越一切。 隨著時間的推移,Oasis的經典歌曲如《Wonderwall》、《Champagne Supernova》、《Don’t Look Back In Anger》等,依然在各大音樂平台上廣泛傳唱,這些歌曲不僅是90年代的音樂代表,也在當今的流行文化中依然佔有一席之地。樂迷們不禁期待,這次的復合是否能夠帶來新的音樂創作,或是重溫那些曾經的經典。Oasis的回歸,無疑會成為樂壇的一大盛事,吸引著各年齡層的樂迷共襄盛舉。 對於喜愛Oasis的樂迷來說,這不僅是一場音樂盛宴,更是一段情感的回顧與重聚。隨著消息的持續發酵,關於Oasis復合的討論將會持續引發熱烈的關注,期待他們能在舞台上再次展現昔日的風采。

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Oasis Reunion Rumors Heat Up as Liam Gallagher Teases Fans
2024 年 8 月 26 日EntertainmentMusic 發佈

The iconic British rock band Oasis, known for their anthemic sound and notorious sibling rivalry, may finally be on the verge of a reunion after a 15-year hiatus. Speculation has been rife over the weekend, fueled by social media activity from frontman Liam Gallagher, who seems to be hinting at an impending comeback. A recent report suggests that the band is planning a series of concerts across the U.K. in 2025, potentially culminating in a monumental performance at Wembley Stadium and Heaton Park. This news has sent waves of excitement across the music community, as fans eagerly anticipate the return of one of the most influential bands of the ’90s. The prospect of a reunion comes after years of speculation and false starts, with Liam previously stating that his brother Noel Gallagher had declined a 30th anniversary tour for their debut album, ‘Definitely Maybe.’ Despite their well-documented feud, the allure of the band’s legacy and the camaraderie of their music may finally bring the Gallaghers back together on stage. As the rumors intensify, fans are left to wonder whether this time the whispers will transform into reality. With Oasis’s music resonating through the ages, the potential reunion holds the promise of nostalgia and a fresh wave of energy in the rock scene. The upcoming weeks will be critical as more details emerge, and fans hope for confirmation of what could be one of the biggest musical events in recent history.

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